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/ MIDI 1997 / MIDI 1997.iso / window / mozrt10b.zip

File Comment
│                         Chicago Computer Brokers                           │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
MOZRT10B.ZIP    76010  12-11-94  MOZART the Windows 3.1 Music Processor
                               | creates, edits, and prints music scores and
                               | individual parts using the computer keybord
                               | only; is WYSIWYG; saves scores to disk and
                               | exports MIDI files for "aural preview" on
                               | multimedia PC's. For both serious amateur &
                               | novice users.

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
_OSETUP.INF INI File 51 2KB 1994-11-05
_OSETUP.TXT Text File 8 460b 1994-11-03

Other Files (7)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
_OSETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 12 105KB 1994-10-28
BACHTPI1.MZ MS-DOS/Windows Executable 8KB 1994-10-24
BRIT.MZ MS-DOS/Windows Executable 11KB 1994-10-26
ETUDE1.MZ MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1994-10-24
MORLEY.MZ MS-DOS/Windows Executable 9KB 1994-10-24
MZDUET1.MZ MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1994-10-24
SETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6KB 1994-10-28